Therapy for Therapists
and Helping Professionals
Can you relate to this staff meeting?
It may feel embarrassing or uncomfortable to reach out to another professional who could be considered a colleague in a different situation. We might think, “I know all the things I’m supposed to do” or “I shouldn’t be struggling with the same things as the people I’m helping.” Talking with someone who understands the rewards and demands of providing direct care to clients and patients can offer some useful perspective.
I’ve worked in a number of settings ranging from community non-profits to outpatient clinics to corporate employee assistance programs. I know how fulfilling it can be connecting a client to resources and giving them support that makes a positive difference in their daily life. I also know what it’s like to have an unreasonable caseload, to hit systemic roadblocks, to spend my own money on client needs, and to work for an employer who has a 90% turnover rate. Most helping professionals have some stories they could tell! And we all need support.
I'm passionate about offering support to other therapists, healthcare professionals, and social service workers. Let’s work together so you can reclaim the enthusiasm you had when you started out and feel energized by your work again. Give me a call at 661-622-3545 to schedule an appointment.
Support for Clinicians and Helping Professionals
Are you a helping professional who's feeling physically and emotionally depleted? You're passionate about the people and communities you serve, but you don't have enough left for yourself at the end of the day. You’re feeling crushed by your caseload, and it’s been harder to leave work at work. Compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma are so common even if we don’t always talk about it.
There was a time when you could get through the day without feeling exhausted and on edge. Helping people was rewarding and you could focus on the positive impact you were having in the community. You had a life outside of work and the energy to take care of yourself. These days, the joys that acted as a cushion for depression and anxiety have been pushed aside because you feel worn out when you’re off the clock. You deserve to find fulfillment in the work you do and you deserve to have the capacity for self-care and compassion every day.