Therapy for Depression

Depression steals your energy and your joy

“I should be happy, but I’m not.”

I’ve heard those words from so many hurting people over the years after they decide to get therapy for depression. Maybe you’re saying the same thing to yourself. Everything in life seems to be going okay, but you don’t feel content or joyful. You feel numb and empty. It takes so much effort just to get through the day. You try to shake yourself out of a blah mood by doing things you normally enjoy, but you’re just not feeling it. Even worse, you used up what little energy you had left, and it didn’t even help.

Or maybe it’s the opposite and you feel like you just can’t catch a break. Nothing is going right. Life is overwhelming and you find yourself arguing with your partner or kids more and more. The money you’re earning at your stressful job doesn’t go as far as it used to every month. You can’t seem to get things done and the goals you have for yourself seem further and further away.

Does this sound like what you’ve been feeling lately? If it does, there’s nothing wrong with you, and you’re not crazy. These are all signs of depression. Whether it’s caused by obvious stressors and events or you don’t know why you’re feeling this way at all, depression makes everything harder.

You don’t have to keep feeling stuck. If you’ve been thinking about getting therapy for depression, we can work together. You CAN feel hopeful again. You can feel confident in yourself and find joy and meaning in your daily life.

Call 661-622-3545 to take the next step toward healing.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Feeling down or sad most days

Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy

Trouble sleeping or sleeping more than usual

Changes in appetite leading to weight gain or loss

Fatigue and lack of energy

Trouble concentrating and making decisions

Low self-esteem or feeling worthless

Thinking others would be better off without you

Thoughts of death or suicide

You don’t have to keep struggling alone.

Call 661-622-3545 to schedule a consultation.

Signs saying don't give up and you are not alone. Encouragement when you are seeking therapy for depression.